Saturday, October 18, 2008

DailyKos and Defeating CA's Proposition 8

Greetings, readers...a weekend roundup is forthcoming, but I wanted to make sure to plug tonight's "Hell to Pay" at DailyKos...

If you're not familiar with it it's a great Saturday night fundraising session...throughout the week the team at Kos keeps track of any and all despicable campaigning by the the end of the week, Kossacks vote for the worst offense and Saturday evenings are spent raising ridiculous amounts of money for the offender's opponent. Kind of like a weekly version of what happened on Friday with newly outed McCarthy-esque psycho Michele Bachman and her Dem opponent with the goofy name, Elwyn Tinklenberg. Yeah, for the love of bob, donate to that guy.

But anyway, tonight's Hell to Pay is raising donations to help defeat California's Proposition 8, which would eliminate gay marriage in the state by writing discrimination into the constitution. No one in California really though Prop 8 would pass and, as a result, the religious wingnuts championing it gained a lot of ground. Now the polls show both sides are in for a fight, so go forth to DailyKos at 8pm and donate.

Equal Rights for all Americans! Defeat Prop 8!

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