Saturday, October 25, 2008

The McSame to Gretchen Wieners Transformation is Complete. Oh Yeah, and 10 Days Till Obama Wins.

We're entering the final days of the campaign, so in the spirit of winding down, kick back and watch some TV.

Voting. Ohhhhh yeaahhhhhh...

This is so classic it's Beethoven:

Meanwhile, this is straddling the line between classic and creepy:

See more Ron Howard videos at Funny or Die

Sigh. Ready for some reading, doggone it?

Let's start off with the deep, dark WTF that is the latest in a long blast of WTF diarrhea coming from the McSame camp.

I'm sure by now you've all heard about that truly unfortunate-looking McSame volunteer in Pittsburgh who claimed she was attacked and sexually assaulted by a big black man who didn't like her McSame bumper stickers. He even carved a letter "B" into her face with a knife so dull it looked almost like it had been drawn on with a marker.

And even more ingeniously, he carved it backwards, just as it would appear if this dumbass b*tch drew it on herself in a mirror. Smart guy.

Almost as smart as McSame campaign. They even knew all the details of the attack before the police released them! Come on, people, seriously: would you really rather vote for the guy whose first letter of his first name got drawn onto the cheek of the Pillsbury doughgirl, or the clairvoyant who magically knew the race-baiting completely-coincidentally-October-surprise-like details of the attack before anyone else?

Ya gotta hand it to him, folks. When that phone rang at 3am, McSame was all over that shit. It was the KKK, btw.

Here's the CNN article, including your new quote of the day:

"She said she has prior mental problems and doesn't know how the backward letter 'B' got on her face."

I bet one of those things is true.

Here's BarbinMD's diary, including a clip from MSNBC corroborating Barbin's evidence that this was all yet another disgutingly, disturbingly racist McSame campaign ploy.


Dana Milbank of WaPo writes an inspiring column about the Fake Americans trapped in Real America during Richmond VA's Obama rally.

Kula2316 at DailyKos once again writes a great morning roundup, which includes such juicy nuggets as MSM reactions to the news of Quaylin's bougie media whoredrobe as well as new national polls showing Obama with a more impressive lead than ever with only 10 days to go.


And here's some really great news: I, for one, kicked the sh*t out of my bank account on Saturday night (and again on Sunday) donating to Equality for All's campaign to vote No on Prop 8 in California, and I'm sure you all did your best...

IT WORKED. The LATimes reports that Prop 8 is once again losing ground in the polls, with people opposing it by 52%-44%.

LeftofArizona at DailyKos has the story.

Try not to die of shock: the NYTimes endorses Barack Obama. Worth a read.

I shudder to think how much money I could be bathing in if I were skilled at giving celebrity bikini waxes. No really. I shudder.

Okay so the polling isn't up-to-the-minute at this point, but this was the best read of the past few days.

And finally, to bring my McSame campaign = Mean Girls analogy of previous weeks around full circle: in light of all the real dumb sh*t the wingnuts have been saying - and subsequently apologizing for - about the "real" America, I believe it's safe to say that the entire GOP is suffering from a terrible case of what Cady Heron would call "word vomit."

I refer you to the Urban Dictionary search results.

Aaaand because I've made an extremely apt comparison of John McSame::Gretchen Wieners, please find in the below clip, only about 20 seconds in, the infamous scene in which "Gretchen Wieners cracks." This should illustrate my point nicely, as well as save you the trouble of listening to anything McSame says for the next 10 days. Because this is what he will say. Word for word.

Keep it up.

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