Moose and squirrel? No? Anybody.
Number One Headline of All Time.
Philly to Quaylin: Get Your Ice Outta Here! (Yuk yuk yuk.)
Hear that roaring at the beginning? Yeah, that would be mass booing. So much booing that they turned up the music to try and drown it out.
I knew I could count on my surly Philly fans to boo the sh*t out of Quaylin! What were they thinking having her drop the puck in Philly?? (See BWE for more on that)As far as I'm concerned, she got off really easy...she probably took her kids out on the ice with her to prevent a battery-filled-snowball-related event. I don't want this woman eating my cheesesteaks and I sure as hell don't want her mojo near my hockey team. KEEP QUAYLIN OUT OF PHILLY! SHE'S SPEWING ALL OVER OUR BROTHERLY LOVE!
Kula2316 at DailyKos puts togather another fantabulous early morning roundup, featuring everyone's favorite painted-up pittbull lampooned by the Anchorage Daily News for her...singular...interpretation of the Troopergate findings...
...as well as the hype over McSame's soon- to-be-announced new economic plan. I'll give you a hint: it involves suspending something...t-rex arms...and a geriatric golf cart. GO!
Frank Rich at the NYTimes takes a closer look at the racist rhetoric the McSames are using to stoke the anger of the crazed, slobbering wingnut mobs.
Oh, BTW...Obama now leads by double digits in the WaPo/ABC and Gallup, Battleground and CBS/NYTimes polls. That could have something to do with his scrumtralescent big leads in 4 key states.
And here's an interesting article from WaPo analyzing the advertising from both campaigns. You've probably heard that Obama is far outspending McSame on TV ads (his campaign has more money since he declined to accept public funding and the spending limits that go along with it), but this goes into a bit more detail...for example, you may not have known (though you may have guessed) that 100% of McSame's advertising is now negative, while only a third of Obama's is negative. (The ROFLZ roll in when you find out that means they're putting out about the same number of negative ads.) It was also interesting to learn that the ads from the RNC are much less effective than ads put out by the McSame campiagn itself, because they cannot specifically endorse candidates, only discuss issues, and therefore are usually somewhat vague and almost always negative.
Oh, and speaking of the RNC, yeah they just gave up on McSame. The GOP is basically pulling out of the McSame camapign like a Wasilla contraceptive and is now just rushing around trying to save it's own ass in congress. HIlarity. Don't forget, we have them on the ru, and now is the time to FINISH THEM OFF! Visit ActBlue to find endless ways to turn our country blue, blue, blue this election. You can donate to key candidates and cool causes all over the country. Like Kos says, we will win, but let's not settle for mere victory: let's "break their backs and crush their spirits" and do our best to ensure a filibuster-proof democratic majority for years to come.
Roger Simon at Politico examines the mixed messages coming out of the McSame campaign, and - surprise, surprise - Quaylin's back to being a liability.
Last night I dreamed that I should write in the blog that a permanent copy of McSame's medical history was to go on display in Takeshi's Castle. And that it's written in braille.
Arianna (of the Huffington Post, natch) attacks McSame on his last tiny shred of campaign hope, foreign policy, and urges Obama and Biden to do the same.
I'm doing my blogging early today and the news is pretty slow - so on a whim I headed over to the BBC to see what kind of odds they were giving the flailing McSame. The answer, as I expected, is "not very good ones."
"Mr Obama has obviously energised both minority and young voters, two groups that historically turn out in lower numbers.
Democrats have scored very well in registering both. If they vote in numbers that Democrats hope for, Mr McCain's chances of running the table of contested states will be very, very slim. "
The BBC article, unlike most of it's American counterparts, openly denies the likelihood of the election being affected by the "Bradley effect." (Which you've probably heard of by now, but just in case: it's a highly disputed theory that far fewer voters will cast ballots for a person of color on election day than supported that candidate in the polls. You can read more about it here.
Oh, yeah and this just in: McSame Economic Plan:
In conclusion, I apologize for my extended absence...I was away over the weekend and even though I wrote this blog yesterday morning, since I had to get up at 3am for work, I kinda slipped into a coma on the couch when I got home and never posted it. But, look, I'm posting it so early today it's like I posted it late last night! Yea!
Until...later...20 days left! Act for Barack or turn congress blue. Go get 'em tigers.
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