It's undeniable that today was a great day for WTF - luckily tonight promises to be even better. If you're reading this in a timely fashion, I'm reclining on the couch sipping a glass of white wine (or chugging it, depending on how things are going) and watching Sarah Quaylin crash and f*cking burn. In the spirit of going down in flames, CBS has released the much-talked about footage from the Katie Couric interview in which Palin can't name any Supreme court cases besides Roe v. Wade.
Looking ahead...The NYTimes lists a few "things to look for" during the debate.
Some good news: The candidates will be standing at lecterns (against McSame's wishes), which should make it easier for Biden to pin Quaylin down on tough issues and, if possible, make Quaylin look like more of a d-bag.
Some bad news: Unlike the first Presidential debate, the candidates will only be given 90 seconds to respond to questions, which means Tina Fey will have less material to pare down from this Saturday. Sad!
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...it's all becoming clear now. Joe Lieberman (previous to 2008, thought to have a brain) and others in the McSame camp contend that giving stupid answers will HELP Quaylin win the debate tonight...and that "she is ready [to be the president], and that is because she has the experience of an ordinary American who can get in there and knows what is on people's minds and what people need." Hmm. I just...too much sarcasm building up...can't even talk about it...
But seriously, I think it's time to come up with a demeaning nickname for Lieberman. Thoughts? Musings? Suggestions?
And on Biden's side of things, check out 23/6's hilarious slideshow covering his preparation for tonight.
Finally in debate news: OH HOLY YES. They've got footage of the talent portion of Quaylin's bid for Miss Alaska.
In a related story, the McSame camp has just reviewed this video and is preparing a score louder than Quaylin's speaking voice to play during her answers in tonight's debate.
LOLZ! Seriously, though, there has been a lot of other promising WTF today...
I got this polling info from my Dad in a text message this morning, spurring a sudden bout of cheering, but davidkc at DailyKos covers it in a bit more depth.
And let me remind you to check out FiveThirtyEight for a fuller picture of national polls...Florida, Virginia and Ohio are now tilting blue, and Indiana, North Carolina and Missouri are solid toss-ups. But I just keep watching that "probability of an Obama landslide" number go up and up...28% and rising!
Obama is quickly climbing to the top. Like this, but somehow less amazing.
Kula2316 at DailyKos does another fabulous morning roundup. I love it when people make my job easy!
I've never heard of Ralph Stanley, but apparently he's huge in the bluegrass world, especially in SW Virginia. All of DailyKos is buzzing about his endorsement of Obama. With McSame pulling out of Michigan it's great to see the new battleground states becoming more and more blue.
And platypus at DailyKos brings to our attention this fantastic speech given at a United Steel Workers convention, decrying racism and encouraging working people to educate each other about racism and the Obama campaign. It's definitely worth watching the entire clip - if you're prone to tearing up at speeches, get the tissues ready.
WaPo reports that Palin's numbers continue to nosedive in the polls, but also take a closer look at how much that really means in the big picture. Of course, Palin has garnered much more attention than any other VP pick in recent years...in short, I'm still psyched about the debate.
HA HA. So much for all of McSame's flailing over the bailout crisis. The more cheap tricks this man pulls to try and bring up his numbers, the more they drop. And the more I do a little dance.
*dances awkwardly in place*
This just in: A leaked clip from an upcoming Simpson's episode not only shows Homer voting for Obama, but also the scariest and most literal cartoon version of voter caging I've ever seen. Seriously.
DAY IN WTF COMPLETE: Hustler has just completed filming of a Quaylin look-alike porno. Now you see why the blog must end here. Goodnight.
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