We had a lot of material to sift through this weekend, but first thing's first: Was there any doubt that Tina Fey would once again reprise her role as Quaylin after Thursday's debate?? And that once again, the humor would be derived not necessarily from clever skit-writing so much as an eerily accurate adherence to the actual debate? I think I actually love the Biden impression most.
ZING! DailyKos' JeffLieber writes another diary that had me in stitches. But in order to get the best joke in the diary, check out Kos' diary of several days ago, pointing out how batsh*t insane Rich Lowry of the National review is. Sorry, my participles are dangling. No, really - this is a joke you want to be in on.
Perhaps you're jonesing for more Biden after Thursday's debate - or maybe you just need a dose of anti-Quaylin. Check out Newsweek's interview with our future VP, which includes an explanation of how he was feeling at the moment when he choked up. (BTW, our sympathies to the man and his family for the loss of his mother-in-law today.)
And in your NYTimes columnist roundup - abbreviated, because, well, you know where to find them, I don't need to give you an abstract for everything all the damn time. Sorry, I'm a little tired. And I think I'm coming down with something. Anyway:
Oh Holy F*ck. Frank Rich surmises that McSame's mental health is rapidly deteriorating, even if his physical health is not (although looking at this picture - http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/photo/postphotos/orb/asection/2008-10-04/4.htm - where he looks like a melting wax figure, I'd say it's probably both) and that Quaylin is more than eager to take his place...
Maureen Dowd examines the dark and twisting maze of Quaylin's speech. Not a written speech, her actual use of grammar, vocabulary and syntax. *shudder*
Bob Herbert takes it one step farther, relating Quaylin's numerous verbal missteps to her particular brand of warped reality (there's a lot of that going around in the McSame camp.) But he ingeniously explains exactly why the word "also" was among the most frequent to cross Quaylin's lips on Thursday: "Ms. Palin's words don't mean anything. She's all punctuation."
Next, I'd like to bring to your attention that DemfromCT published a fantastic diary on Saturday. Looking at the MSM's new election vocabulary (i.e. "a week is a lifetime in politics") as well as at democrats' unwillingness to get their hopes up too high over the poll numbers, Dem, for one, predicts that the polls mean exactly what they seem to: Obama will win handily on November 4th. How will it go down? Dem forsees McSame becoming angrier and his campaign more negative as we come closer to November and desperation continues to set in...and we all know how well those tactics have been working out for him. And Dem surmises that optimism from the progressives - meaning a shift in the narrative from cautious hope to justified confidence - can only benefit Obama's campaign.
"McCain is in trouble, Palin was a bad choice, and he's going to lose partly because she loses voters who don't think she's ready. But before he does, he'll go negative, drive his own unfavs even lower, it won't work, and he'll cost a few more seats in Congress. It might even be that Palin's national ambitions are tarnished by bringing her up from the minors too early (although her fans are so resistant to reality, that remains to be seen.)
Watch this creep into the narrative along with "a week's a lifetime in politics", "Republicans are divided", "Michigan pull-out was a bad decision", and "Sarah Barracuda disagrees".
Republicans are screwed. Sooner or later, that's going to be the new narrative."
And Dem isn't the only one who thinks so. Dem includes a link to this AP article in the diary:
"WASHINGTON (AP) — One month before Election Day, Barack Obama sits atop battleground polls in a shrinking playing field, the economic crisis is breaking his way and the Democrat has made progress toward winning the White House.
The onus is on Republican John McCain to turn the race around under exceptionally challenging circumstances — and his options are limited."
And here's the truly great news: this guy just doesn't get it! WaPo reports on the McSame campaign's change of strategy (tactics?) in the face of Obama's lingering - and widening - lead in the polls. Quaylin's comment yesterday about Obama's "palling around with terrorists" was not just one of those things that comes out of her mouth when it hangs open long enough, but was in fact another memorized cue card from McSame.
"We're going to get a little tougher," a senior Republican operative said, indicating that a fresh batch of television ads is coming. "We've got to question this guy's associations. Very soon. There's no question that we have to change the subject here," said the operative, who was not authorized to discuss strategy and spoke on the condition of anonymity.
Hmm...changing the subject...sound familiar? This is the best f*cking part: the resemblance of this campaign strategy (tactic??) to the one that Quaylin used in the debate...is NOT A COINCIDENCE.
Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's performance at Thursday night's debate embodied the new approach, as she used every opportunity to question Obama's honesty and fitness to serve as president.
I'm actually flabbergasted - and I don't think I've ever had an opportunity to use that word sincerely before. Did they not get the memo that QUAYLIN LOST THE DEBATE?? So let me - let me get this straight...
Quaylin is generally acknowledged to have lost the debate by attacking her opponents instead of addressing the issues...and the McSame team is now resting, let's face it, their ONLY hope of winning the election on attacking their opponents instead of addressing the issues...
In the first debate, likely voters were almost universally turned off by McSame's anger, condescension, and confrontational attitude...so he's resting his hopes of election of becoming more angry, condescending, and confrontational.
That's it. I'm calling it right now, folks. This week will be the end of the end of the McSame campaign. After McSame "takes off the gloves" at this week's debate, I'm predicting the polls won't budge his way from now until November 4th. By the time election day rolls around Obama will be so far in the lead that the GOP won't even be able to convincingly steal the election in 2008. Before I was only dreaming about an historic landslide, about red states turning blue before my very eyes. Now it's hard to think that won't happen.
So let's seal the deal, people. If you've been canvassing, phonebanking, donating, even just making sure your friends and family are getting to the polls, keep at it. If you're not, get over to my.barackobama.com and GET TO IT!!! The site has excellent resources that make it a breeze to take action however you feel most comfortable - and to join up with others who are making a difference.
And speaking of changing the narrative:
#1 - Finally - FINALLY - the media is talking about the racial motivation behind McSame's attacks. AP wakes up and reports on the racist fears McSame is stirring up with Quaylin's latest lie - I mean, "line" - about Obama "palling around with terrorists." And AP predicts the tactic (strategy??) will backfire.
#2 - No one thinks McSame's "guilt by association ploy" will work: evidence.
#3 - Thus begins Obama's defense against the McSame childishness.
Just watch. He'll continue to be presidential and grown up and expose McSame for the haggard vomitous lying splatter of cockroah diarrhea that he is. Oh, and speaking of which
#4 - Check the sh*t out of the upcoming issue of Rolling Stone.
Headline? Make-Believe Maverick.
Content? 10-page cover story exposing the ugly truth about McSame in every biting sentence.
Extras? "Top 5 McSame Myths" video; "Double-Talk Express" Slideshow; "Mad Dog Palin" partner piece.
Any ideas on how to send copies of Rolling Stone to swing state voters?
#5 - Here's the real effect of the VP debate: wingnuts may not be swayed to vote for Obama, but Palin is convincing a hell of a lot of them to stay at home on election day. Check out these diaries from FritztheCat and davidkc.
#6 - If you haven't been to FiveThirtyEight recently, I usher you forth. I just love all of their colorful maps and graph and watching that "Obama landslide" number nudging upwards...that, and they've got coverage today of how the McSame "play dirty" tactics (strategy?!? DAMNIT!!!) might play out in the polls. And who could predict better than the pollsters?
Yes, readers, the narrative is shifting. DemfromCT agrees.
Don't forget TOMORROW IS THE LAST DAY to register to vote!!! (In PA.) This link can tell you everything you need to know about registration. Make sure everyone you know is ready to vote!!!
Until tomorrow.
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