Friday, October 10, 2008

The Ugly Demise of the McSame Campaign

I. LOVE. BETTY WHITE. gotta love the freedom of internet advertising. LOLZ.

Quote of the day: "John Mcain? What the f*ck?!?"

Speaking of prime quote material, this George Will column has been making the rounds - if you haven't seen it, find it here...or just find the choice passage that's been causing buzz below:

"Many millions of American households are gingerly opening envelopes containing reports of the third-quarter losses in their 401(k) and other retirement accounts -- telling each household its portion of the nearly $2 trillion that Americans' accounts have recently shed. In this context, the McCain-Palin campaign's attempt to get Americans to focus on Obama's Chicago associations seems surreal -- or, as a British politician once said about criticism he was receiving, 'like being savaged by a dead sheep.'"


WHOO-HOO!! Rep Jesse Jackson Jr tells the truth about ACORN and it's role in all of this insane right-wing fear-mongering. The headline says it all:

"Attacks on ACORN Based Not on Facts, But on Fear of 1.3 Million Poor People Registering"

In other news...McSame on what Quaylin's role as VP will be?? To continue to be an "expert on energy." I guess by the same logic that she is an expert on Russia?? Oh no, wait, sorry, she's an expert because of that huge pipeline she helped build from Alaska to the contiguous sta--what? That's not there? Hmm. Are you telling me she has the power to construct a 40 billion dollar INVISIBLE PIPELINE??? ZOMG this just in: Sarah Quaylin now considered to be an expert in MAGIC.


Oy. I've never heard of "The Daily Beast" but yesterday they published another story in what has become a running narrative of McSame's history of frighteningly angry and arrogant outbursts.

And in mudslinging today:

Hmmm...shall we play the guilt-by-association game? OH I THINK WE SHALL.

And in case the news of angry hate and racism at the wingnuts' rallies could leave any doubt about who the dangerous radicals are, take a closer look at Palin's ties to right-wing extremists and the Alaskan Independence Party.

William C. Ibershof, lead federal prosecutor of the Weathermen in the 1970s, writes to the NYTimes to say that he is "amazed and outraged that Senator Barack Obama is being linked to William Ayers's terrorist activities". Interesting. Ah, well, anyway the man's got to be seriously out of touch if doesn't realize the NYTimes is nothing more than a low-down McSame-hating tabloid nowadays. No place for fancy lawyer to write in to. He musta made free-yenz wit dem terr'ists.

The racist right-wing hate-mongering continued today...I've declined to provide you with more video evidence, but it's been all over the news. Apparently, death threats and racial slurs are now acceptable GOP rallying cries. Below, I'll take you through today's laundry list of ways in which the veil of blind eyes was lifted, revealing the wingnut base for the slavering racist psychopaths they really are...

As McSame's campaign descends further and further into vile hate and bigotry, listen to Obama's words and remember that a stunning majority of this country still believes that hope will prevail:

"The American people aren't looking for someone who can divide this country; they're looking for someone who will lead it."

The TIME magazine blog "Swampland" is the first sort-of MSM outlet to talk about the horrifying hate-mongering tactics of the McSame campaign, calling McSame a "guy of the gutter" and his campaign "a national disgrace." A sincere thank you to Joe Klein for covering this...don't miss his link to TPM's blog imploring more of the MSM to get on this story, including a video of McSame expressly encouraging the hateful ignorance of his base.

WaPo comes out with an article about the "angry" tone of the McSame rallies...No word yet on when they'll get around to talking about the "bigoted" and "violent" tones.

And CNN reports on the "rage rising" at McSame and Quaylin rallies. Well, it's true that's a bit more descriptive than "anger," but what I want to know is why, when "CNN contributor David Gergen said that the negative tone of these rallies is "incendiary" and could lead to violence," is the MSM not more concerned???

By now you've probably all heard that McSame began belatedly to put together some appearance of allaying the wingnuts' crazed rage (apparently the tiny dose of media pressure did SOMEthing), but circa 4:30pm today...

O. M. F. G. The McSame campaign has just come out IN SUPPORT of the despicable behavior of members of their base at recent rallies.

Special props to HuffPo today for their home page; I feel like out of the entire media, mainstream or otherwise, HuffPo is the only outlet with an appropriate response to this bullsh*t.

And just as I peeked back at HuffPo circa 7pm today, McSame is now trying to backpedal on all the hate he's been...peddling. The bad news is it's only angering the crowds more. McSame has created a mob of wingnut monsters and in order for his campaign to progress he's going to have to make a pitstop and quell them. He might have the racists and bigots of this country all riled up, but he's got the undecided voters more scared than ever about what a McSame presidency will mean for the nation. And rightly so.

McSame is losing everyone in every way. Voters are peeling away from him faster than his last scraps of dignity did over a month ago. McSame is such a loser he continues to inspire dismay even in his conservative base. You would think I was talking about his use of racist fear-mongering, but actually I'm talking about his economic policy.

Here come 3 more weeks of damage control for the GOP. Lets get the word out and start putting the pieces in place for a serious rout come November.

I'll be away for a long weekend (sadly, since I'll miss the rallies tomorrow!!) but you'll hear from me again next week. Until then, readers, sit back, relax, make some popcorn, and watch the right wing of America crash and f*cking burn.

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