Was There Too Much Sex And Profanity In The HBO Presidential Debate?
"McCain seemed to be completely in his element when he said Senator Obama's foreign policy resume was shorter than a c*nt hair."
So, I finally watched the Quaylin "Weekend Update" sketch on SNL. I was gathering my thoughts...I was preparing to write about how much Amy Poehler rocked that rap...and about how bizarre it was that Quaylin was sitting there boppin' along gosh darnit while she was being COMEDICALLY EVISCERATED...and then I read BestWeekEver and saw that Sara Schaefer has already done all relevant analysis for me. Clip included.
Today has been a pretty slow news day...don't know why. But it has been chock full of the juicy LOLZ we've come to expect at this magical time of year...
In excellent news: It's officially two weeks until we get to call George W. Bush a "lame duck" without getting wiretapped or having our library records searched! OMG!
In light of that news, I bring you this. To the good people of Vermont, we solute your empty symbolic gesture. No really. We do. What? I think it's funny.
And now, a message from the Republican Nominee for Leader of the Senate IMEAN Vice President:

Ya know what, fellas? If there's one thing real Amer'cans love about that doggone Sarah Palin even more than my gosh darn tootin' down home lovability and also my small-town talk-a-roony diddly doo, it would hafta be my record on fightin' all that dagnab gov'ment spendin'! Ya know, also, it's like, gov'ment get outta my way darnit!
Well...wait just a durn minute theer, gov'ment...ya know, before ya get outta my way - cuz also, ya know, I really do wantcha gone! - but if, also, before ya go theer, maybe ya could jus leave me, ya know, only maybe $21,000 theer for my daughters' travel expenses? Nooo, they weren't invited to those conferences, but, see right here I can just fill out this form right here and then it's the same thing as them, ya know, traveling for business! And then you can pay for it!
But then, ya know, get right outta my way, theer. And take that bridge with ya, also!
...Okay, so maybe I just like doing the Quaylin voice, even if it's only typed...But seriously. And that's nothing to the $150,000 the RNC spent to pay for the woman's outfits. No wonder they keep talking about how put-together and attractive she is! Sheesh.
Forget what you heard about the polls tightening in the home stretch: Pew has Obama up by 14 POINTS in their latest national poll. This is sure to drive the wingnuts' spirits even deeper into the mud. Speaking of which, Pew found that:
"Republicans also are increasingly pessimistic about their party’s chances next month. While there has been an across-the-board increase in the proportion of voters predicting an Obama victory since mid-September, the shift among Republicans has been particularly pronounced. About as many Republican voters now see an Obama victory as say McCain will win (40% Obama, 35% McCain). In mid-September, 70% of Republicans said McCain would win compared with just 13% who said Obama was more likely to win."
The shifted narrative is working, and the polls reflect that. We are on our way to a win. But with Obama taking a couple of days off the campaign trail to visit his ailing grandmother, it is more important than ever that we follow up on all of this great news.
Let's seal the deal!
Also in the polls, the NYTimes finally reports on Obama closing the polling gap in North Carolina. Oh, newspapers! It's so great to unfold your crisp, sweet smelling pages, pour a hot cup of coffee, and settle down to read last month's news!
Seriously, does anybody even read the paper any more? Better yet, why? And now for something else from the newspaper. Heh. NYTimes columnist Paul Krugman, of recent Nobel-prize related talk, takes a trip down memory lane to that foul year of our lord 1971, among others, to remind us that the modern conception of the GOP as the party of the average Samuel Wurzelbacher was forged by the Nixon spin machine through politics of hatred and division. But
"Whatever today’s G.O.P. is, it isn’t the party of working Americans."
You go, Paul Krugman. How bout cuttin me in on that prize money? Right.
I leave you with this though, readers: Because there's a tv playing the Faux News Channel at work, I got to see this amusing lil tidbit...
Bill O'Reilly apparently still thinks somebody gives a sh*t about the Bill Ayers thing.
And I'm done.
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