So, I'm sure it didn't escape anyone's attention that the bailout plan got shot down in the House today...so our big story tonight is, well, all the ridiculous sh*t that went down in the campaigns regarding that.
First up: GREATEST THING EVER. This morning, the McSame campaign claimed credit for putting together the bailout legislation.
BTW, what happened with that? OH YEAH.
BUT LOOK OUT! The McSame campaign claims credit for the bailout plan...but it's actually Obama's fault when it fails!
It's really just incredible the new lengths to which the McSame campaign can stretch the truth. It's just like taffy! Pull it this way, pull it that way and then it comes out all pink and pasty...I may be confusing this metaphor with another one about McSame's skin.
Anyway, I'm totally voting for McSame now. I mean, how can I argue that he won't bring change when his own reality is so malleable? I call for an end to this congressional bailout madness! MCSAME I DEMAND YOU SNAP YOUR FINGERS AND MAKE ALL THE BOO-BOOS GO AWAY!!!
Okay. Let's take a bit of a closer look at McSame's attempt to make Obama the scapegoat on the bailout. Not that it's not ridiculous enough in and of itself. According to the LATimes the "reasoning" (please understand that I use the term as loosely as humanly possible) behind blaming Obama was that he "and his allies in Congress infused unnecessary partisanship into the process."
(In case you find this funny, the very next thing out of McSame's mouth was, "Now is not the time to fix the blame; it is time to fix the problem." ...brain...explodey...*gurgle*...)
However, the numbers on the failed bailout (from the NYTimes article, above) were hardly split along partisan lines:
The vote against the measure was 228 to 205, with 133 Republicans turning against President Bush to join 95 Democrats in opposition. The bill was backed by 140 Democrats and 65 Republicans.
So, if anything, shouldn't we blame McSame's "reaching across the aisle" for the failure of the bailout?? Also, McSame was for the bailout, right? But 133 reps from his party opposed it.
Okay, okay...I'm feel like a little lost Qualyin here, but I'm just trying to wrap my head around this...let's formulate a brief timeline of the McSame stance on the bailout bill, for my benefit:
This morning: McSame camp applauds it's namesake for taking bipartisan action (which all press denies ever happened) to make the bailout work (which it doesn't).
Early this afternoon: Bailout gets shot down bipartisan-ly. Obama tells the people of America to remain calm, that things are often rocky in Congress but that a solution will be reached. McSame spouts angry anti-Obama rhetoric.
Later this afternoon: McSame claims that Obama repartisaned the bipartisan-ness of the bailout thus causing it's failure - even though it was shot down by both parties, but mostly those of McSame's party.
What were we talking about again?
And now, thankfully, on to other WTF.
This is rich: McSame defies common sense as well as the reports of multiple fiscal analysts who say Obama's economic plan will benefit 95% of Americans by calling Obama a liar at his rally in Ohio today...
...but the best part is when he tries to convince people that he actually did suspend his campaign last week. He could not have set himself up any better for this massive ROFLanche:
“Some people have criticized my decision to put my country first, but I will never, ever be a president who sits on the sidelines when this country faces a crisis,’’ said Mr. McCain. And Mr. McCain, who spent this weekend in Washington working the phones, but did not actually return to Capitol Hill , said: “I know that many of you have noticed, but it’s not my style to simply ‘phone it in.’”
I can't really capture the LOLZ in words. McSame becomes more belligerent the more he drops in the polls. Hopefully he hasn't learned from the dabte what we have: anger doesn't work.
And Quaylin is looking forward to the debate? So am I, Governor. So am I. Oh, and just for the record, Matt Damon: Quaylin does indeed believe that dinosaurs and people lived together circa 4,000 BC.
Speaking of which, Fareed Zakaria, editor of Newsweek International, begs Quaylin to drop out of the race, for the love of "country first." If you missed it, there's a transcript in here of Quaylin's Miss North Carolina-esque blubbering about the bailout from the Katie Couric interview.
Meanwhile, over at FoxNews, they're saying the focus of the VP debate is unfairly weighted toward foreign policy. Even though the VP debate hasn't happened yet. Let's be fair and balanced, FoxNews: They could ask questions exclusively about moose-hunting and Quaylin would still find a way to f*ck it up.
Today in How Fast McSame Is Going In The Sh*tter: Kula2316 at DailyKos gives us a great look at the increasing republican election panic. Obama's lead is higher than ever and rising in the national polls, and local polls show toss-ups in North Carolina and Indiana.
And not that this will likely affect the election, but Palin's approval numbers are plummeting - in Kentucky, of all places.
And you know what they say about September, poll-wise: in like an decrepit warthog, out like a qualified statesmen. EJ Dionne, Jr at WaPo looks back at how the month of September turned McSame into a volatile candidate, and Obama into a strong, smart, and serene political figure.
On that note, take a look at the more than 30,000 people who turned outfor Obama's rally in Detroit on Sunday.
Until tomorrow, don't forget the voter registration deadline is approaching. Make sure everyone you know will be able to make it to the polls in November. www.voteforchange.com.