So I took the day off yesterday.
I have unearthed the largest deposit of WTF in this campaign so far. It is with trepidation, and with far too little space on this page to properly convey the size of the WTF we’re dealing with here that I bring you – I can’t even say it – this.
Something has gone terribly, terribly wrong.
In a desperate attempt to jar this blog back into a reality I remotely want to live in: have a look at BusinessWeek’s Obama Vs. McSame article analyzing their tax and spending plans. (Hint: Obama wins.)
I know you’ve all been waiting to see something truly magical happen in this campaign. So watch Alex Castellanos appear on CNN to inexplicably transmute incontrovertible evidence that Palin has been lying about opposing earmarks into praise for her record of opposing earmarks. Brought to you by the magic of flat-out ignoring video evidence.
But I guess if the GOP hadn’t honed the skill of willful ignorance they’d have self-destructed long ago. Quote of the day goes to Paul Begala, by the way: “She brought so much pork home she got trichinosis.”
Watch Obama bash the McSame campaign as well as the media for their insane overreaction to his “lipstick on a pig” comment. Personally, I think it’s laughable that the right accuses Obama of sexism when it’s clear that they heard the word “lipstick” and immediately assumed he was referring to Palin. Or maybe they just heard “pig” and got defensive – they’ve sure gotten used to tossing around accusations since Palin’s name showed up on the ticket. It sure is easier than confronting issues!
In your dose of good news for the day, DaveV at DailyKos brings us a look at the polls from the better perspective. Turns out most of the poll bounceage from the Palin pick happened in the south – in states Obama was never counting on to begin with. Check out his gains in the west and midwest (i.e. the actual battleground states).
Until tomorrow, please don’t forget about this: (the comment period ends in 15 days!!!)
If you haven’t heard about the executive order Health and Human Services is trying to push through unnoticed, please read about it here.
THIS IS YET ANOTHER ATTEMPT TO RESTRICT WOMEN’S ACCESS TO SAFE CONTRACEPTION AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTHCARE – INCLUDING BIRTH CONTROL PILLS AND IUDS!!! The only power we have to stop it is to send our letters of opposition to the government before the end of the comment period, which is rapidly approaching. PLEASE DON’T HESITATE. Below are four ways you can help (thanks to Liz at Planned Parenthood for the info):
1) Planned Parenthood set up an email you can send.
2) You can go HERE.
(go to the link "Comment” or “Submission" and then enter "provider conscience”) - attachments need to be in Microsoft Word or Wordperfect)
3) Send emails to consciencecomment@hhs.gov
(same attachment rules as above)
4) Send written letters (1 original and 2 copies) to:
Office of Public Health and Science
Department of Health and Human Services
Attention; Brenda Destro, Hubert H. Humphrey Building
200 Independence Avenue, S.W. Room 728E
Washington, DC 20201
Please be sure and send this information to everyone you know!
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