I just want to start off by saying: Oh, Barbara Boxer. Who wouldn't love you??
So OMG people! The level of EPIC FAIL is high and rising like a tsunami in the McSame campaign today. After creating a publicity circus with his ploy of "suspending" his campaign to call a meeting and trying to postpone the debate, McSame shows up to the meeting in Washington only in the strictest sense. Pardon me if I quote liberally and with apparent glee from the NYTimes article:
"At the bipartisan White House meeting that Mr. McCain had called for a day earlier, he sat silently for more than 40 minutes, more observer than leader, and then offered only a vague sense of where he stood, said people in the meeting.
as a matter of political appearances, the day’s events succeeded most of all in raising questions about precisely why Mr. McCain had called for postponing the first debate and returned to Washington to focus on the bailout plan, and what his own views were about what should be done. Those political appearances are a key consideration for Mr. McCain less than six weeks from Election Day and at a time when some polls suggest he is losing ground against Mr. Obama, especially on handling the economy.
by nightfall, the day provided the younger and less experienced Mr. Obama an opportunity to, in effect, shift roles with Mr. McCain. For a moment, at least, it was Mr. Obama presenting himself as the old hand at consensus building, and as the real face of bipartisan politics."
So let me see if I've got this straight...McSame tried to drum up public support by "suspending" his campaign (FAILED)...then he tried to postpone the debate, one can only presume because he's not ready and/or he was hoping to delay Palin's debate since she's OBVI not ready (FAILED)...he then (uncharacteristically) attended the meeting in Washington in an attempt to come off concerned, well-informed, and/or ready to lead (FAILED).
Yes, I'd have to say, folks, that this incident has a good chance of becoming the ultimate epic fail of the campaign. Then again, there's still the VP debates...ROFLZ.
I'm stoked that McSame swallowed his bullsh*t and deigned to grace the debate with his presence tonight. I guess it had something to do with the fact that people overwhelmingly thought not attending would be the biggest political mistake in recent history. This, however, = super gross.
Here's hoping showing up to the debate turns out to be the biggest mistake in recent history!!
And speaking of the biggest political mistake in rec- well, ever - STRAP ON YOUR LOLLERBLADES!!! From the Ed Schultz blog:
McCain Camp insiders say Palin "clueless"
Capitol Hill sources are telling me that senior McCain people
are more than concerned about Palin. The campaign has held
a mock debate and a mock press conference; both are being described as "disastrous." One senior McCain aide was quoted as saying, "What are we going to do?" The McCain people want to move this first debate to some later, undetermined date, possibly never. People on the inside are saying the Alaska Governor is "clueless."
ZOMGZORZ. That officially made my day. That story, plus more great news about how McSame f*ucked up big time at the emergency meeting, in Excelscior1's DailyKos diary.
Did you see that Quaylin/Couric interview? What ARE they gonna do? Check out part 2, on foreign policy, along with the NYTimes' analysis of what is now considered an even more epic fail than Charlie Gibsongate.
Apparently, by no one more so than CNN's Jack Cafferty. He lampoons Quaylin today, calling one of her answers "pathetic," pointing out how effin' close this woman is to the oval office and saying "if that doesn't scare the hell out of you, it should."
And speaking of Quaylin-related fail...as usual the MSM is fashionably late in their coverage, but the NYT finally covers the Quaylin rape-kit story that DailyKos bloggers uncovered days ago.
BarbinMD at DailyKos puts together an excellent sampling of media reactions to the epic fail...in a similar vein, Kula2316 patches together a great diary from the shreds the press made of McSame and Palin overnight.
If you're feeling overwhelmed by all of the mass-media fail coverage, take a break and chillax with the internets, who have known Quaylin=FAIL since she got nominated: Best Week Ever puts together a collection of the Sarah Palin impressions circulating on the net. Other than the classic Sara Benincasa and Tina Fey clips(If you missed my links, don't miss them here), the Gina Gershon one is pretty funny, the ending of "the inner monologue" is ROFLtastic and "the terrifying" one is freakin' terrifying.
And then there's this.
Which is brought to you by the inexcusable quote of the day: "A movie you legally have to see...even in cases of incest and rape."
BONUS! I know you inevitably tuned in to Letterman after learning about his plans to set McSame on fire with his words Wednesday night, but Best Week Ever has the video, in case you missed it.
Seriously, though, sometimes you just have to stop making people look stupid, and let them do it for themselves. You've waited and waited and it's finally here...footage of the swimsuit competition in the 1984 Ms. Alaska Pageant.
But seriously. We should think about the debate. This is a great Huffington Post article on how to judge the winners of the debates, written by Judd Legum, a former member of the Hillary campaign team.
Overall, he stresses the "popularity contest" nature of the debates, the importance of a few moments of sharp repartee or a gaffe at the wrong moment over a half-hour of policy discussion. So here's my take: Obama? Quick wit, calm and collected. McSame? Shaken, fumbling, prone to angry outbursts.
Oh, to be able to liveblog the event. All I have to say is: F*ck you, work. F*ck...you.
Today in feelin' good: Thanks to my Dad for sending me this link. Veteran pollster Ann Selzer thinks the popular polls are underestimating the youth vote. Chance of an Obama landslide? More than 18%. That's from the "Scenario Analysis" Chart, which is SUPER FUN. You know, if you get all geeky for stuff like that.
Until Sunday, folks, don't forget that the deadline is closing in for VOTER REGISTRATION. If you need to register, know someone who needs to register, if you need information about polling locations near you or about getting an absentee ballot - basically any information you could possibly require can be found here.
PS - In other news, it's possible none of that other news is relevant.
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