Oof. I'm feeling a little winded by all of the massive WTF raining down on us today. To start off, the biggest story of the day was SO big and SO WTFtastic that it got it's own entry, so check that out.
And before we begin today, let me remind you for the last time that Health and Human Services is staging an attack on our reproductive rights!!! Read the NYT column here. Find out how you can help here. TOMORROW IS THE LAST DAY TO PROTEST!!!
Anyway, assuming the debates go forward as planned...
This is what I call lookin' good for the debates: Obama now leads McSame 52-43 in the ABC/WaPo national poll. Neither Gore or Kerry were able to break 50% in the polls.
Perhaps the best news? White folks are coming around. College-educated white voters - a demographic that has been solidly republican since 1980 - favor Obama by 9 points. I don't know you guys, if this continues some of my white guilt-related self-loathing might start to seep away... What are you doing to me, 2008?!?
"Two weeks ago, McCain held a substantial advantage among white voters, including newfound strength with white women. In the face of bad economic news, the two candidates now run about evenly among white women, and Obama has narrowed the overall gap among white voters to five percentage points.
Much of the movement has come among college-educated whites. Whites without college degrees favor McCain by 17 points, while those with college degrees support Obama by 9 points. No Democrat has carried white, college-educated voters in presidential elections dating back to 1980, but they were a key part of Obama's coalition in the primaries. "
But wait, there's more. Obama continues to sink FoxNews' Dreamwaver. Check out Steven R's DailyKos diary for a look at Obama leading the FoxNews poll OUTSIDE of the margin of error, and much more.
Sorry 'bout your boat.
Plus, this appears at the end of Steven R's diary, but I'm reposting it in case we have any lazy-bones readers here. I'm not judging. Quaylin obviously hasn't done enough reading up, either.
Speaking of which...
Quaylin met her first world leaders yesterday, and the right has photo evidence. Of course, that's all the evidence they would allow, having banned reporters from accessing Quaylin before the meetings in their ongoing crusade to not let on what an abysmal candidate she is.
Props to CNN, though - when they heard that press would be banned from questioning Quaylin, they pulled their TV crew off the story, forcing the McSame campaign to relent and at least allow access to the talks themselves. Could CNN be growing a pair?
If that isn't proof enough for you, how about Campbell Brown sticking it to the true sexists - the GOP? She points out that you don't have to be as obvious as these guys to be a chauvinist pig.
Moments after I discovered this story, Sara Schaefer at Best Week Ever got to it. I leave you in her much more witty hands. I just have to say:
Pair grown, CNN. Pair grown. And along those lines, it's:
McSame vs NYTimes, Round 3.
Remember all that back and forth scuffling, when the NYTimes was all like "Ooh, McSame's campaign manager Rick Davis was on Fannie and Freddie's payrolls" and then Rick Davis and Karl Rove Jr. IMEANSTEVESCHMIDT were all like "Shut up stupids, you suck, whatever"?
Well the NYT strikes back.
In an INCOMPREHENSIBLE TURN OF EVENTS THAT HAS JUST BLOWN MY MIND AND CHANGED MY ENTIRE UNIVERSE, it turns out that the NYT was right, and Davis and Schmidt were just outright lying. When in doubt, deny everything. But watch out for that killer NYT right hook.
Round 3: New York Times. Man, the media is just sprouting pairs all over the place today. It reminds me of a simpler time, when our leaders had many pairs...
...and not just blind rage. Columnist George Will at WaPo aptly compares McSame to Alice in Wonderland's Queen of Hearts.
"It is arguable that, because of his inexperience, Obama is not ready for the presidency. It is arguable that McCain, because of his boiling moralism and bottomless reservoir of certitudes, is not suited to the presidency. Unreadiness can be corrected, although perhaps at great cost, by experience. Can a dismaying temperament be fixed? "
Today in pure evil:
I feel slimy on the inside. Take a look at this story about by a reporter who did some investigative work by ghostwriting editorial letters for the McSame campaign. Then take a shower. (The editor's note contains a link to the reporter's physical evidence.)
The Quaylin rape-kit story has fallen out of the blogosphere for a while, but today DemocraticLuntz at DailyKos brought it back, with condemning evidence indicating that Wasilla did not begin charging women for their own rape kits until AFTER Quaylin signed off on the budget in 2000.
But, hey, evil's gotta look good! Who's a celebrity now? McSame paid one of the makeup artists who works on American Idol almost $6,000 dollars to do his makeup. If she spends a few more hours and a couple of buckets of industrial sealant making McSame look a young 68, I bet she could afford one of those sissy geriatricars that John and Cindy have 3 of.
See? The WTF. Sometimes it's overwhelming. To try and regain some sense of balance in my life, a gentle reminder that the deadline is closing in for VOTER REGISTRATION. If you need to register, know someone who needs to register, if you need information about polling locations near you or about getting an absentee ballot - basically any information you could possibly require can be found here.
Until tomorrow readers, I leave you with this. Don't be fooled. Watch the whole thing.
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