THIS IS YET ANOTHER ATTEMPT TO RESTRICT WOMEN’S ACCESS TO SAFE CONTRACEPTION AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTHCARE – INCLUDING BIRTH CONTROL PILLS AND IUDS!!! The only power we have to stop it is to send our letters of opposition to the government before the end of the comment period, which is rapidly approaching. PLEASE DON’T HESITATE. Below are four ways you can help (thanks to Liz at Planned Parenthood for the info):
1) Planned Parenthood set up an email you can send.
2) You can go HERE.
(go to the link "Comment” or “Submission" and then enter "provider conscience”) - attachments need to be in Microsoft Word or Wordperfect)
3) Send emails to
(same attachment rules as above)
4) Send written letters (1 original and 2 copies) to:
Office of Public Health and Science
Department of Health and Human Services
Attention; Brenda Destro, Hubert H. Humphrey Building
200 Independence Avenue, S.W. Room 728E
Washington, DC 20201
Please be sure and send this information to everyone you know! Now then:
If you’re feeling particularly confident in your fellow man (which I now suspect you are not), you can start off by having a look at what NYTimes readers thought of McSame’s acceptance speech.
But it may not be as amusing as what California Senator Barbara Boxer had to say.
You may already have heard the hypocritical remarks Bill O’Reilly and Rush Limbaugh made about teen pregnancy that have been resurfacing since their touching support of Palin and preggers Bristol (even if you hadn’t, I can hardly imagine you’re shocked), but just in case, Cynthia Tucker of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution puts a hopeful spin on it in her column.
And in case you were wondering how McSame feels about this, he’s always been a big proponent of teen pregnancy, according to another AJC article from earlier this week, as he’s consistently opposed legislation to prevent teen pregnancy through honest sex education (shocker).
Although according to the article he didn’t seem too concerned about the issue last year:
“Reporters asked the presumptive GOP presidential nominee in November 2007 whether he supported grants for sex education in the United States, whether such programs should include directions for using contraceptives and whether he supports President Bush’s policy of promoting abstinence.
‘Ahhh, I think I support the president’s policy,’ McCain said.”
Don’t miss the opportunity to be spooked by the New York Times article detailing Sarah Palin’s church involvement. Might as well read up – if she ends up in the big seat someday your involvement in her efforts to carry out god's will will no doubt be compulsory.
If you need to fulfill your feminist outrage quota for the day, check out Meteor Blades’ post on DailyKos, including the Chauvinist Video Clip of the Year(TM) in which CNBC’s Donny Deutsch (clearly pronounced “Douche”) notes that Palin is perfect for the job of VP because she is a “sexy” “feisty” “supermom” and after all, “who wouldn’t want a lioness protecting their cubs?” (Commence projectile vomiting.)
As if Obama’s rebuff of Palin and others at the RNC who insulted his experience in community organizing wasn’t enough: take a look at Jim Wallis’ blog to find out what community organizers (many of them good Christians) thought about the disparaging comments.
Your daily shot of Obama goodness comes in the form of his blasting McSame on his supposed championing of change. This clip from his speech in Terre Haute, Indiana, is, let’s face it, exactly what you’ve been waiting to hear: a person with a brain calling the republicans on some of the bullshit they’re constantly spewing.
And finally, in the Saturday night push to feel a little hopeful, the Washington Post’s campaign blog reports that the Obama campaign registered 49,000 new voters in Virginia in August alone.
We’re all busy trying to stay alive, among other things, but if you’re moved to give a little of your time to the Obama campaign, look no further. Peace out.
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