Man you can write anything on this picture and it instantly becomes funny.
Our number one story today is this SNL sketch featuring Tina Fey and Amy Poehler.
And this is literally the first two thoughts I had when I saw it:
Election: over.
Life: complete.
Today from the NYTimes:
Palin champions ethics reform with a little help from her friends. That's because she hired everyone she knew to government positions regardless of qualifications and proceeded to overpay them with state money.
That reminds me of something else...I can't put my finger on it.
"Dan Fagan, a prominent conservative radio host and longtime friend of Ms. Palin, urged his listeners to vote for her in 2006. But when he took her to task for raising taxes on oil companies, he said, he found himself branded a 'hater.'
It is part of a pattern, Mr. Fagan said, in which Ms. Palin characterizes critics as 'bad people who are anti-Alaska.'"
Man, can she tow the GOP line. The Washington Post offers more dirt.
Here's some true WTF: Karl Rove, though he dances around it as much as possible, tells Fox News that McSame has gone "too far" in his smearing adds.
Old Turdblossom must be slipping - try as he might he can't make it sound like he's not calling McSame a liar:
"[McSame has been] attributing to Obama things that are, you know, beyond the 100-percent-truth test."
Oh, Turd. Turd, turd, turd.
But, hey, the McSame campaign lies are the hot topic these days. Just about everything the the NYTimes prints slamming GOP is on the top emailed list.
A couple random points of interest:
WaPo's David Ignatius bashes McSame's lack of judgement, overcoming seemingly unbeatable odds and acheiving coolness in spite of his name.
And a site for those who applaud Obama's restraint, but secretly adore mudslinging.
For a lift: Watch
this truly moving footage of the "Alaska Women Reject Palin Rally." It just feels really good to hear from people who aren't batsh*t crazy.
The women who organized it persevered through harassing phone calls after a right wing radio host gave out their names and phone numbers on air. He called the organizers "socialist, baby-killing maggots" and then encouraged listeners to call the women and - as his boss puts it - "give their opinions." Read local coverage of that bullsh*t here.
And here's the Anchorage Daily News coverage of the event itself.
With the GOP's numbers still trending upward in the polls, it's becoming clear that moving away from the real issues, and the actual heartfelt Obama love, is not an effective way to get what we want. benvautier's diary at DailyKos confirms my suspicions. Hear feedback from somebody who's been putting themself out there and phonebanking for Obama.
In that vein, listen to Obama speak about national service (the picture is terrible, but its the audio you need anyway). I obviously don't buy into the military service talk, or the "America is the greatest nation on earth" bull, but i think he has some truly revolutionary things to say about feeling a mutual sense of responsibility and not just an individual one. I also love how he frames it in terms of long-term change, that we're preparing for the next generation - that is just so unbelievably refreshing after 8 years of "not blinking," just staggering ahead in the dark.
And who could not fall in love with his plan to jump start national service by providing the incentive of funding for kids to go to college. (You'll have to see the 2nd part of the interview for more details on that.)
Until tomorrow. Don't forget to register your complaints with the Health and Human Services department for their latest attack on our reproductive rights - only 11 days left!!! Learn more about it and find out how to help here.
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