I don't know if you've figured out my writing process from reading the Roundup. As I sit before my computer at work all day, I browse the web - mostly my favorite sources (as in the list on the left) - and throughout the course of the day I compile enough links, notes and commentary to patch together into the roundup. As a concept, the blog is largely unstructured not only because that makes it fun, but also because it's convenient.
And I've been thinking that what I reeeally wanted to do was liveblog the first debate this Friday, but alas I have work and also doubts about how witty I can possibly be on a minute-to-minute basis. So today I bring you this special edition of the Roundup: A retrospective liveblog chronicling the ups and downs of McSame's now-infamous "hey let's stop campaigning and not debate for our country" stunt. Let me assure you, readers, the below commentary is a faithful account of my reactions to today's major WTF incident in real time. I know because the messages I send to myself on Facebook are timestamped.
It won't be very long - the public saw through McSame's ploy in what is surely record time - but there was definitely enough material to warrant a separate entry. So, lucky readers, prepare to be delved into a darker, more mysterious time...
***Today, 3:39pm
Sometimes all you can say is W... T... F.
It's one thing to suddenly go all holier-than-thou and claim you're suspending your campaign to deal with the economic crisis when you're actually pulling another Quaylin-like publicity stunt because your polls took a massive nose-dive.
It's another thing to try and delay Friday's debate.
What's the problem? Is the rich, veteran senator finally reviewing tapes of Obama and realizing he should have been preparing for this? Or is this some kind of bullsh*t freeze-out ploy? What happened to your constant b*tching about how Obama didn't want to go head-to-head with you in a town hall meeting?? I've got my eye on you, McSame. I smell an octogenarian rat. You can't take away my Friday debate without a fight.
Okay, okay, I'm taking deep breaths.
*Cue borderline inappropriate performance of "Gotta Have Faith"*
The Obama campaign's response to McSame's attempts to delay the debates so they can figure this economy business out?
"We can handle both." OOPT. Looks like "the debate is on."
Hell yeah it's on. It's on like that smarmy look is on Kenley's face.
God I hate her. In other news, McSame political director Mike DuHaime still thinks there's a chance someone sees McSame as a maverick. *GUFFAW!*
Countdown to the McSame campaign calling Obama's decision reckless/irresponsible/unpatriotic/boo-boo green. We should start an adjective pool. Who wants "unpresidential"? I'm saving my money for the pool on how fast Quaylin implies Biden is being sexist on October 2nd.
BTW, if this causes another "bounce" in the polls, I quit. If we get a "pretty lady" bounce and an "i guess we were wrong about you being lazy whiners" bounce, what's next? I'm seeing...McSame...November 2nd...pasties. *shudder*
Hunter over at DailyKos raises a great point about McSame's sudden, intense urge to be in Washington. Since it's an election year, he thought he'd better beef up his resume - if he's present for a vote during his staycation, it will raise the percentage of votes he's shown up for this session from 35% to 36%.
True story: someday I, too, aspire to have 8 houses, thirteen cars, a private jet and a job that I can show up for about 1/3 of the time.
Oh - and this would be exactly the second vote he'd shown up for since March - so for the last 7 months he's at 1.8%. But who's counting?
Oh SNAP. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid tells McSame Washington needs "leadership, not a campaign photo op."
Pathetic attempt at publicity stunt: OVER. Thanks, Kos.
So, there you have it. It only spanned a bit more than two hours but, thankfully for you, it's like you were there with me the whole time. If you wanna know what happened before, after, and between those juicy "live" reactions, stay tuned for today's official Roundup.
***UPDATE 6:22pm***
Rep. Barney Frank on today's ridiculousity: "It's the longest Hail Mary pass in the history of either football or Marys."
Please, do yourselves a favor and watch Letterman tonight. It seems Dave may have some things to say about McSame, who canceled his scheduled appearance.
Now it all makes sense: McSame wants to postpone the debate until October 2nd - which, coincidentallywhodathunkit, is the date of the Quaylin/Biden debate.
If successful, they plan to reschedule the vice presidential debate for November 5th.
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