Today I found a gem called factcheck.org (thanks to Frank's Rich column, to follow). See them mercilessly pick apart McSame's acceptance speech.
Of course, they also fact-checked Obama's acceptance speech as well as a bunch of other speeches from the RNC, links to which can be found at the bottom of the page.
Have a look at Frank Rich's column in the NYTimes and grimace at the possibility that the unvetted choice of Palin for VP and a lackluster acceptance speech are attempts on McSame's part to distract from the downward spiral of his "maverick" image. The best part is that nearly all his facts are accompanied by links to the source material. I mean, the man is doing my job for me.
To support Rich's theory that Palin's speech intentionally outshone McSame's (and for a chuckle), check out this clip from CNN.
And while you're digesting Palin's now-infamous "[being the mayor of Wasilla is] not rocket science" comment, here's some continuing coverage on the issue of whether the GOP veep will ever be allowed to speak to the press:
Newsweek's blog (from Thursday) questions whether Palin's eventual press appearances will be substantial or purely placatory;
Then today AP reports that Palin had a previously scheduled an interview with ABC - in spite of the fact that McSame campaign manager Rick Davis got a mite touchy about the issue on "Fox News Sunday."
And in news that is possibly scarier than the thought that we'll soon have to listen to Palin interviews: if you couldn't believe Bush won the election in 2004, why not have a closer look at the meaning of the term "voter caging."
Surprise, surprise: the demographic of working-class women is smarter than the GOP thought.
And for a jolt to the funnybone: I may not know a lot about small town values but after watching this Daily Show clip I sure feel like I still don't.
Finally, a friendly reminder that Health and Human Services is attempting a SNEAK ATTACK ON OUR REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS!!! The only chance we have to counter this is to send our correspondence to the government before the comment period ends on September 25th. Read more about this and learn how you can help in yesterday's blog.
Until tomorrow.
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