From Matt Little's blog of "Rejected Barack Obama Puns"
First in the Roundup today - The NYTimes FINALLY covers Health and Human Services' attack on our reproductive rights!!! Read the column here.
And find out how you can help here. THERE ARE ONLY 6 DAYS LEFT TO PROTEST!!!
Now then. Let's start the day on a high note: Watch as McSame is ushered offstage from his speech at GM to the tune of America's fundamentals chanting "Obama 08! Obama 08!"
And here's another desperate and deceitful McSame smear ad that pathetically attempts to connect Obama to the collapse of Fannie Mae via a WaPo article, along with the response from WaPo.
"The McCain campaign is clearly exaggerating wildly in attempting to depict Franklin Raines as a close adviser to Obama on 'housing and mortgage policy.'"
Check this sh*t out: Sydney H Schanberg, the veteran journalist whose work inspired the 1984 movie "The Killing Fields" has released an investigative article positing that McSame "worked very hard to hide from the public stunning information about American prisoners in Vietnam who, unlike him, didn't return home."
And here's some of that angry McSame footage from Dolores Alfond's testimony at the senate committee public hearing.
This is a great clip from MSNBC looking at McSame's sudden fervent interest in Wall Street regulations. What I think is really going to be the nail in the coffin in all this is how the press seems consistently incapable of getting a hold of anyone in his campaign for comment. Being silent about everything is not going to endear him to swing voters, nor to his base. Also, it can't be denied that FLIP-FLOPPITY FLIPPY MCFLOPPERSON-FLIPMEISTER von FLOPSALOT! Whew...sorry. I may be carrying a little repressed rage from the '04 election.
If you were wondering what all this business about "the Keating Five" is (from the above clip), or if you just want to know more about where McSame stands on regulations and bailing out financial institutions, check out clammyc's DailyKos diary detailing the scandal from the 80's.
I would be really excited about the possibility about this being dug up and used against him, but honestly, I think Obama will probably push forward with his thus-far incredibly successful plan of standing back and watching McSame flail about in the giant pool of bullsh*t he got himself into.
Fall is approaching and I'm just enjoying the sounds of the birds singing, the squirrels hustling about gathering seeds, and the Wall Street Journal's notoriously conservative editorial board spanking McSame hard:
"In a crisis, voters want steady, calm leadership, not easy, misleading answers that will do nothing to help. Mr. McCain is sounding like a candidate searching for a political foil rather than a genuine solution. He'll never beat Mr. Obama by running as an angry populist like Al Gore, circa 2000."
As it becomes ever more clear that McSame-Failin will do or say anything to win this election, Jane B in Virginia finds herself the target of attempted voter caging.
IF YOU KNOW ANYONE IN VIRGINA OR ANY OTHER BATTLEGROUND STATE MAKE SURE THEY KNOW ABOUT THIS!!! Obviously the right will stop at nothing to see McSame in the white house next year. MAKE SURE YOUR VOTE GETS COUNTED!
Finally, while this may not be statistically relevant, it can't be good for the wingnuts: The St. Petersburg Times' focus group has had a fairly dramatic anti-Palin reaction.
Slow news Friday, I guess. Until tomorrow, mull this one over. Peace.
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