McSame speaks this morning on the US financial crisis, now saying that the economy is broken and what he meant by "the fundamentals of our economy are strong" is that the American workers are strong. It’s really a tribute to how in touch he is that he thinks of American workers as statistics that hold our economy together. It’s too bad Obama doesn’t grant him a town hall meeting; it would give one of those American workers a chance to ask: “So if the workers are the fundamentals of the economy, what are all those rich people to whom the right continually gives tax breaks to the economy?” No word yet on what patriotic slogan the campaign meant by “things today just aren’t that bad.”
But here’s a slice of straight talk for you: watch McSame promise during the said speech that - and I quote –
“We will never put America in this position again.”
So, please, by all means, elect that champion of change who by his own admission helped get us into this mess in the first place. McSame then indicated that energy independence would happen under his administration. To reinforce his point at the end of the speech, McSame demonstrated to a horrified crowd that he can p*ss oil and sh*t rainbows.
Following McSame’s announcement of his brave plan to fix the ailing economy by forming a committee, Obama says that's bullsh*t.
But we all know that all McSame's big talk about greed on Wall Street won't stop the Michigan GOP from attempting to prevent people whose houses are being foreclosed on from voting in this election. Now that's what I call concern for working Americans in their time of need. No, no, I said you were the fundamentals of our economy, not of our electorate.
The good news: Obama isn't going to let them steal this election.
And here's a surprise: the Michigan foreclosure specialist firm Trott & Trott houses McSame regional headquarters, and has raised almost a quarter of a million dollars for the republican party. On second thought, this totally explains how McSame advisers can be convinced that things aren’t that bad.
Hold on to your sanity as plunge even deeper into the McSame campaign’s wild fantasies. Seriously? I can’t even find anything to say about this.
And then there’s this: This story has popped up all over (CNN, USAToday, not to mention the blogs who obviously got to it first!) but I'm linking you into the WaPo story.
Turns out Carly Fiorina, the same McSame spokeswoman who officially imploded the universe in Monday’s blog, has taken a forceful strike back at the sexist attacks against Sarah Palin, saying the VP hopeful does not have the experience to run a major company. LOL.
Fiorina of course goes on to correct herself by explaining that none of the candidates for president or vice president are qualified to do the job she once did. The really funny part of all this was watching the camera crew scramble around trying to get a wide enough angle of her head.
And speaking of segues, Newsweek reports Palin’s favorability rating is slowing eking away.
Maybe it has something to do with this: You may have read during coverage of victims in Alaska paying for their rape kits that the state has the highest rate of forcible rapes per capita in the nation. Now you can read ABC News' coverage of Palin's appallingly inadequate response to these statistics…
…including that she put a multi-million dollar initiative to combat sex crimes on hold so that she could fire her Public Safety Commissioner - the initiative's biggest proponent - to carry out a personal vendetta. Anyone remember Troopergate? I guess it is possible that that kind of reckless behavior in office can affect your constituency. Let's hear it for a true maverick.
Here's another right-wing language lesson for you: We had a lot to choose from today, what with the McSame spokespeople's assertions that "McSame created the Blackberry" and that "running a corporation is a lot harder than running a country," but today we're going to focus on a much more puzzling McSameism covered in the NYTimes blogs, which may confuse some beginners. Fear not, we'll sort it out.
Senator John McCain’s top domestic policy adviser, former Congressional Budget Office director Douglas J. Holtz-Eakin, recently said in a conference call with reporters that Mr. McCain’s health care proposal would “put 25 to 30 million individuals out of the ranks of the uninsured, into the ranks of the insured.” In an article released Tuesday, a panel of prominent health economists concludes that Mr. Holtz-Eakin’s projection is off by, well, 25 to 30 million.
Turns out, in right wingo (get it? right wing+lingo?? LOLZ!) when you say that your plan will help insure 25-30 million people, what you actually mean is that in the first year you'll help insure about a million people, and then after five years, 5 MILLION LESS people will have insurance than had it when you took office! See how that works??? It's just such a pleasure when studying a foreign language to take in the little nuances of meaning that don't exist in English.
Sigh. At least you can console yourself with these pictures of the huge turnout at the Obama rally in Colorado, as well as other exciting gatherings.
And to wrap up the day, a few amusing tidbits:
This is a great site for campaign footage and related videos.
Jeffrey Feldman at DailyKos has some interesting insights into your canvassing or phonebanking efforts, spurred by the awesome "patchwork nation" voter demographic map from the Christian Science Monitor, which is not to be missed.
Last but, for obvious reasons, not least: the Sarah Palin Baby Name Generator.
Until tomorrow, my apologies for not making the post yesterday. You guys are such troopers! And of course I must remind you: Don't forget to b*tchslap the Health and Human Services department for their latest attack on our reproductive rights - only 8 days left!!! Learn more about it and find out how to help here.
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