BWE's (always) insane take on the McSame team. Don't miss the fine print.
Let’s start out with a slew of juice from the NYTimes. Even for the most devoted Ecogeek it can be difficult to explain to the Average Jo that we shouldn’t construct what Palin claims is only 2,000 acres of drilling facilities in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for theorectical ecological reasons, where:
Sarah Palin < Bozo the Clown < Average Jo < Rachel Carson
...but it should be significantly easier to explain that we shouldn’t do it because it won’t f*cking work.
Screw Charlie Gibson; I want to see Palin face Maureen Dowd.
Finally, NYT’s Gail Collins reassures us that the only reason Palin is big in the news is that we all secretly relish the opportunity to talk about moose.
"McCain, by the way, is the Republican nominee for president. You may remember him from the Sarah Palin convention in St. Paul, where he gave a speech and was congratulated by Sarah Palin." ~ Collins
Anchorage Daily News: Taxpayers Buying Barrels of Pork for Palin Family Meals in Wasilla.
… and they’re spending more money on that than they’re saving by illegally charging sexual assault victims for their own rape kits:
US News and World Report blurb
For a fuller scoop, try Scout Finch’s DailyKos diary
Meantime, the Washington Post aptly covers much of the ongoing WTF in both campaigns.
But enough of the going back and forth; enough of Obama raising a fair point and the right crying “sexism;” enough of Obama spending his time crafting ingenious retorts to the smears when he could be educating folks on his policies. Let’s take a look at how McSame even manages to twist the facts at FactCheck.org.
And in really, really other news: Australian political scandals, in the tradition of crocodiles and petrol-sniffing, succeed in making America look boring and tame.
And to wrap up the Roundup tonight: Turns out Jim Crow laws are back! I usually try to end on a positive note, but you get new information and you realize some days you’re just not meant to sleep easy.
Until tomorrow, please don’t forget the to oppose Health and Human Services’ newest attack on all of our reproductive rights (you too, straight guys – you want your girlfriends to have access to the pill, don’t you?). Only 14 days remain to comment – learn more about it and find out how you can help at the end of yesterday’s blog.
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